Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thursday's Food For Thought #1

Starting today and every Thursday from now on I will pose a question that I've pondering for a while or just recently, here's today's food for thought:

Is three the new two? Why do gay men who are in relationships bring in a third party? Is it for variation? Are they bored in the bedroom? Or is it a way of cheating without excluding their partner? 

1 comment:

  1. Devil's Advocate-

    Perhaps it is escaping the "hetero-norm" shoved down their throats. Why do we follow the hetero pattern of pairing up? Straights do it because it makes sense- girl plus guy = whole being. But as gay men we have that masculine and feminine energy within ourselves already. Why do we need to confine our love to only one other person? We try so hard to cram ourselves into this straight world mold. Following their example. What if we don't actually fit? Maybe a better question would be - why do we, in our otherness, feel the need to copy everything that this white hetero patriarchal society does- even though it feels like the complete opposite of everything we are? Does our gayness/sexuality extend further into ourselves and define more then just who we sleep with? And does equality only happen when we're all the same?

    But what if we're not?
