Friday, April 24, 2009

Gym Membership

Three days ago I finally made up my mind and joined NYSC (New York Sports Club) I had been procrastinating joining the gym for the past ten months; finally last weekend when the weather was so nice and all the gays were out and about wearing their plunging v-necks and scoop neck tees I decided that it was time for me to join the ranks of the people who go to the gym.

The guy signing me up asked, "why today?" And I told him, "why not today?" He asked my fitness goals to which I responded, "hot toned summer beach bod," which he wrote down. 

Yesterday was my first day back and this morning my whole body is sore, in a good way. I just feel that everything is coming together in my life and the one thing that was holding me back was not having a tone sculpted body, I took care of that by joining the gym. I'm looking forward to the results; I just have to watch what I eat and "consistency is the key" as my friend A. says. 

I'm off to the gym...

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