Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Philanthropist - Opening Night Party

On Sunday evening I had the opportunity to attend the opening night party of “The Philanthropist” starring Matthew Broderick, since I work for the Roundabout Theatre Company they invited us. I couldn’t have been more delighted because I knew that Sarah Jessica Parker would be there and she was; she looked amazing. It’s interesting because I did think, “wow I’m in the same room as Sarah Jessica Parker. Who would’ve thought that this would happen?” I did get a bit star-struck, but not as much as the first time I saw her at the second preview of the play when she walked right by me. I grabbed my friend Z.’s leg after gasping I’m sure. I wanted to take a picture with her at the party, but I did contain myself, I had to respect her privacy. The party was great, there was plenty of free food, alcohol and cute guys. I did meet someone, so we'll see what happens with that, he's adorable; the whole night we keep giving each other eyes. I'm excited. 

This Thursday I’ll be attending the opening night party of “Waiting for Godot” starring Nathan Lane, Bill Irvin, John Goodman, and John Glover. I saw the play on Saturday, I didn’t have high expectations because it’s not one of my favorites and I had seen a bad production of “Godot” in undergrad. The play was wonderful. The chemistry between Bill Irwin and Nathan Lane was incredible. Nathan Lane was Nathan Lane but toned down. Bill Irwin is an extraordinary actor and he was stunning in this production, he understood what Samuel Beckett's intentions were and I feel that has plenty to do with the direction of Anthony Page. I hope Bill Irwin gets nominated for a Tony. I highly recommend this play, not just because I work for the Roundabout Theatre Company, but because it's truly what theatre is all about. 

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