Every day I find myself at different Starbucks tip tapping on my Mac computer writing a new play or rewriting an old one. The question that always comes to mind is, do New Yorkers ever work? The Starbucks is always filled with people either reading the latest
New York Times best-selling author, or chit-chatting away about work or relationships, or typing away in their computer like me, or just staring into space contemplating life's existence.
I'm sure this question coming from me sounds inane, since I'm the one always at Starbucks. (My favorite one is located at the World Wide Plaza on 49th & 8th). Maybe all these New Yorkers that I see during the day work at night like I do, but can they all really have night jobs? I remember last summer sitting in one of the biggest grassy parts in Central Park around one o'clock in the afternoon and asking myself the same question, it was filled with people of all ages, tanning, reading, playing sports, having picnics - but the thing they weren't doing was working.
I guess this question will have to stay unanswered...