Friday, May 15, 2009

Thursday's Food for Thought #4 (posted on Friday)

Are guys my age living in New York searching to date with a possibility of being in a relationship or are they all looking to hook-up with strangers and having no connection what so ever?

Sometimes I wonder why being in a relationship is so important to me? I mean, I'm in my mid-twenties living in New York, I should just enjoy dating and meeting as many guys as possible and if the opportunity of sex presents itself then by all means I should go for it! Am I crazy to want to be in a relationship at the age of twenty-six? Or should I just explore and enjoy my youth and forget about being in a relationship until I get to my thirties, unless the right guy arrives before that, and if that happens then that would be amazing!  

Although lately I have been enjoying myself much more, I due it all to spring...!

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